i was able to make four of these pebble grey large tough ruffles shoulder bags, now available in my etsy shop.
i woke up extra early this morning and finished these photos, packed up the orders from the weekend, and even straightened up my studio a bit. i turn thirty tomorrow, and even though i keep saying it over and over, it still seems weird that i have been around for thirty years. not that i think thirty is old or anything, it still just seems weird that is how many years old i am. so i am going to take advantage of this amazing fake summer weather we have in philadelphia today and give myself a well-deserved day off. i am going to do some things i rarely make time for-- use the word 'lunch' as a verb, do some relaxing, pedicure-ing, and shopping with my bestie. i don't usually get too into my own birthday, but this is a big one and the sun is shining so i figure i deserve a funday monday. xo, hank.
Happy Birthday, Hank! The day you have planned sounds just right.
My birthday was on the 7th, and I know exactly what you mean about being startled by one's age. I turned 37, and it still seems unreal that I can start sentences with, "Twenty years ago . . . ."
Happy Birthday!
Enjoy the day and the sun!
Good for you! Best wishes and have a great one :)
happy bday :) such nice weather we're having in philly i didn't go into work today so i could sit outside all day! (don't tell, haha)
Happy Happy Happy Birthday, Hank!! Enjoy your special day!!!
Happy Birthday Katie! A Funday is well deserved.
I'm celebrating my big 38 today! 30 was a big one for me...I decided to run a marathon by 30 (because I'm crazy). I did and it was a nice milestone.
So go out and enjoy!
Happy birthday, Katie!
These bags are so pretty, I hope you consider doing more tough ruffles in feminine and spring colors. I loved the almond colored bags last week :)
You are so cute, Katie. You will LoVE 30.
Can't wait to get my bag--I should add a very Happy Birthday to you!
aw I love this! Its beautiful!
Babiekinsmag.com- for the trendsetting child
Happy birthday. Bags are as georgous as ever!
You deserve a fun day :)
& man do i know how weird it is to be 30! I found my first gray hair on my b-day, since then i have 3 more!!
happy belated birthday, katie!!
happy birthday katie!! i literally laughed out loud at the "using lunch as a verb"! :)
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