i have been sewing and sewing and sewing (and cutting and cutting and cutting and ironing and ironing and ironing...
and i just finished updating the shop! i did not complete nearly as many new bags and things as i had hoped, but there will be more! very soon! but right now there are about forty new roundy-bottomed tough ruffles zipper purses and seven new clutches. bigger bags coming soon!
i know that quite a few of you have been waiting patiently for new madebyhanks, and i apologize that my shop has been completely empty for the past few days or so. i have been sewing and cutting in batches, and am very hard at work to make sure you are able to purchase something in time for the holidays.
i do not want to compromise the quality for quantity, so i am very grateful for everyone's patience and understanding. this is madebyhank's first holiday season, so i still have a whole lot of figuring out to do. hopefully i will learn to accept help at some point. i am so terribly picky when it comes to delegating even the very smallest tasks, because i need to know that every single thing is done exactly how i would do it. i did show manny how to make the tags, which, small as that may seem, every little bit is a serious help.
oh, and if you are in philadelphia, please stop by the mew gallery this saturday, from 5-9 pm. a new set of my sewn drawings will be on display, along with the work of james ulmer and kathryn moran.

thanks for the shop update! =) love all the new items. i think your attention to detail is what might be making this such a success (or from what it appears).
i'm back for a third time, via your etsy shop, and will be back many more. definitely don't 'compromise the quality'; everything is fabulous as it is.
so happy to have found your shop & found a goodie while there was some stock. thanks for posting some early!!!
enjoy the holiday and take a break for yourself.
Purple my favorite color! Love the third clutch design the two contrasting purples work really well together :-)
Opps I meant the fourth clutch bag, even though the third clutch bag is still fabulous!
great update, ADORE everything!
my grandma's favorite color is PURPLE so one of your clutches will be a great gift!
These are beautiful! I love purple right now. Sometimes we do need to admit we need some help. Hang in there!
oh my gosh! the little clutches went so fast and in just a single day! I didn't buy one .. cause I'm holding out for a bigger bag. Hmm, but I see I'm going to have to be on the ball to snap one up before everyone else ...
These are great! Purple is my all time favorite color--I have loved it since I was 5 years old collecting purple milk caps.
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