just wanted to offer a little explanation. my inbox is overflowing with messages of why the bags were never listed. the bags were, in fact listed. at exactly 10 am EST. i had all seven listings open, so they would all be available at the same time, and by the time i had clicked the 'finish' button on the seventh, they were sold (and if you purchased one, they will ship this afternoon!)
i assure you i am trying my very best to make things as fair for everyone as possible, but there is only so much i can do, and once they are listed, i have no control over who purchases them. it is out of my hands at that point.
i am not sure what the right words are right now, as my intention is not to offend anyone. but i would like to ask that those of you who continue to do so, please stop sending me mean (i might use the word nasty, even) messages. i try hard not to dwell on negativity when it comes to my internet presence, but this is starting to get to me. i receive so many messages that say things such as 'i cannot believe how completely ungrateful you are. all i want is a bag, and you refuse to help me, even though i am practically throwing my money at you', and so they go.
um, i am a person. who works all the time. i am not especially sensitive, but some of these messages are really starting to hurt my feelings. i have had many great and lucky things happen to my little business, but i work all the time. this is not a complaint, i love what i do. but it is important that those of you who accuse me of being ungrateful become aware of this. i would like to think i know myself pretty well, and i am many things, but i assure you all that ungrateful is not one of them. i have not lived a completely charmed life, and have worked very hard to get to where i am today, and continue to put so much of myself into madebyhank.
i want to keep sewing things, and i would love nothing more than to continue to be able to support myself doing this. all i ask is that please, before you write these means words (or at least before you click send), please take a moment to consider and recognize the difference between your own inflated sense of entitlement and my lack of gratitude.
i apologize to 98% of you, and have to say, that the majority of you are the kindest, sweetest, best customers anyone could ask for. my mailbox is often peppered with little packages and notes of gratitude from folks who love their bags, which goes so above and beyond anything i ever wanted. sorry to be kind of a sap.
thank you so much.
i'm sorry you're receiving such nasty emails! people can be so rude. i'll admit i was disappointed when i remembered to check your shop a few minutes past 10 & they'd all been swapped, but it's only because your work is so incredible - you have no control over how fast they go. try not to let those get to you - you're doing a fantastic job!
ooooh katie! i am so sorry people are being mean. SO SORRY.
i waited patiently for a VERY long time for a tough ruffles bag, understanding the entire time that if it was meant to be i'd get one.
when i received mine i was over the moon excited and i understood fully why you can't churn them out. the details are fantastic and they take time. you are not a machine and you put a great deal of effort into these bags and it shows. and it was totally worth the wait.
so, keep up the good work. and take your time. your customers will appreciate it in the end!
I can't believe people would send those types of emails to you! I admit to being frustrated when I want to buy a bag only to find that they're sold out, but I attribute that to your amazing success, not to some maliciousness on your part. People need to remember there is a person behind hank, not a machine.
Thank you for everything you do!
katie: im sorry friend. i think because some people dont have to face the person with their mean words in real life they think its okay to be rude. your shop is the only shop i know that sells out of items not even within a minute of it being listed, and thats pretty sweet :) we appreciate and admire your work.. and i hope you had a seriously wonderful birthday. one of these days i hope to own a madebyhank bag for myself, ill have to tell my fiance to keep an eye out. ;) we love you!! xo.
so sad that these people do not appreciate how hard you are working. i appreciate it! i have a little tough ruffles purse, and sent 2 as gifts to friends of mine. we are ALL in love with our bags, and i will surely keep checking in the future for another perfect madebyhank bag to come my way. keep up the fantastic work, those with patience will get their dream purse when the time is right!
oh, Katie, I can't even imagine. Here I am on a regular basis thinking "how can I get to the point where all of my items are sold in 3 seconds flat like Hank's?" and I never would have thought of the repercussions of that! I obviously don't even have to say this after such a heartfelt post, but don't let 'em get you down! I have a tough ruffles wallet and a chloe bag, and I'm antsy to get one of your bigger messenger bags at some point! I will continue to check your shop updates patiently :) Congrats to you and all of your success as a one woman show.
Dear Katie Henry,
For every mean message you get, there are 1391839173901739013 people who think you are awesome and LOVE your work!
Your attention to detail and talent is not something that can be rushed! Be sure to take care of yourself and not let those jerks bring you down. :).
Take care!
Awww that totally sucks to hear from a fellow Etsian. Sometimes people forget how much blood, sweat and tears go into every piece of handmade goodness, and that there are feelings involved. Don't let the little people get to you and keep on trucking!
I can't believe people can be so mean! I am sure you are trying your hardest to complete peoples orders, but time doesn't always offer it. Sorry you have to deal with that. Your bags are adorable and I could see you selling them with Urban Outfitters. One of these days I will be an owner of one of your bags haha
Mean People Suck! Simple and to the point. I can testify that all bags were up at 10AM and all were gone in less than 2 minutes! You have to quick and on it if you want one. I was and I did! People love your work and you have a following like no other - so jealous btw! Don't let those turkeys ever get you down, keep making purses and I hope you had a wonderful birthday!
People love to hide behind the anonymity of the internet, don't they? I admire that you've kept your business a mostly-one-woman-shop (I say mostly because I think you have an assistant?) because that means you're not compromising the integrity of your designs; but clearly, there is only so much of you to go around and that doesn't please people who need the instant gratification of one of your beautiful works of art.
Ignore the naysayers, and keep being fabulous! I, for one, am secretly glad your pieces sell out so fast, or else I'd be in BIG trouble, buying a new bag every day! ;-) My bank account would not like that.
I was logged in and waiting to purchase almost an hour before your stated time, refreshing constantly, holding my breath. At exactly 10 (9 my time) there they all were and I clicked on the one I had already decided I wanted. In my moments hesitation in clicking the purchase button, it was gone. Just like that. And by the time I got back to the main listing the rest were gone too. Did I blame you? NO. My only thought was how wonderful you are and how lucky whoever did get one was. I am so glad to see you doing so well that people fight over your products. I really wish I hadn't hesitated though. Shame on me. And shame on anyone who sends you nasty emails. They don't deserve one of your pieces and hopefully kharma will see to it that they never do.
I have been lucky enough to snag several of your bags, and I am so grateful for your work, the attention to detail, and the little extras you include in every package. Please do not let these impatient people discourage you. :) The world would be a sad, sad place without MadebyHank.
Those A-holes!! I'm so sorry that you are having to deal with such negativity, Katie, I TRULY hope people stop sending you nasty-grams.
Good for you for having a (pretty) thick skin. Keep up with your AMAZING work, and try to ignore the idiots because we all LOOOOOOOVE your work and what you do!!!
I truly am so sorry people just don't "get" it. I worka full-time job, have a duaghter and husband and am trying to build a business as well. I had someone leave me a snarky message about me not being able to give a donation. I do when I can, but I had no product whatsoever...at all! Please keep your head up and remember that there will be those nay-sayers in anything you do. They should be so lucky to have your talent!
imagine throwing a temper tantrum because you can't have everything you want when you want it ! that's not how life works, and that's certainly not the way to treat someone who is the only person who can provide a thing you want.
What a bunch of whiners! I love checking your blog just to see all your amazing creations. If people are so impatient, they should remember that it's just a bag (no offense because they ARE awesome). If not being able to purchase one of your bags is their biggest problem in life, then they sound pretty fortunate to me. Regardless of how much you love what you do, you shouldn't feel like you have to work all the time just to avoid nasty emails. Just forget about them and keep doing what you do!
I'm a first-time visitor here, but I wanted to weigh in anyway. I just received a little zippered coin purse made by you from a blog friend of mine. She knows I love ruffles and there it was...so sweet and blue and green and with stripes too! Everything I'd want if I made it myself. So I'm nosing around trying to find you and read this. I feel like it would be ungrateful of me not to leave a nice note when hateful people seem to have so much freaking time on their hands and are so darn good at leaving mean notes.
I just started my own Etsy shop and it's small time; every night I go to bed I'm content to be exactly where I am, mostly because of situations like yours. I don't want to hate what I do. I want to love it.
Anyway. Love my bag. And I'll keep up with you now.
don't let negative comments and all-around mean people get to you. you work so hard on such beautiful and lovely things, you just have to keep your chin up!
thank you so much for sharing your talent and artistry with us, katie.
and happy belated birthday!
today was the first day i tried to make the shop update in time and purchase a bag [coincidentially!] haha i never saw one, and thought it was funny, awesome, and yes, i was a TINY bit disappointed. but there's always next time! it's kind of an adventure trying to purchase one of yours bags. it's crazy to think how amazing people think you are that they are sitting at their computers clicking refresh every 2 seconds! haha
thank you for all you do :D
::shaking fist at computer screen::
Hey! Stop being mean to Hank, yo.
Wow! I'm still waiting to own my first 'hank' bag, and I know sometimes it's not easy being patient, but nasty emails? REALLY??! If people want a bag-on-demand, they should just head to the mall! As hard as it probably is, please don't let these emails get to you too much. Your work is loved and I (amongst many others) would love for you to keep doing what you do :)
I have several of your bags, as you know, and I absolutely love them!! They are perfectly designed, executed and packaged! I can see why so many people are dying to get their hands on one of them, but I also know that you don't OWE anyone anything. I think what you should take from those emails is that you are so talented it makes people CRAZY!! :)
I really hope that you continue to love doing what you do, regardless of what people say, because that is ultimately the most important thing. It sounds like you know that already and I can see there are so many others here that support you as much as I do. I hope that makes you a feel little bit better.
All the best to you and your adorable little pets! :)
Hi! I am also sorry for the way people are acting! I love you little bag I got a few weeks ago. You wrapped really nice and I was sooo happy! Also, I appreciate that you are one person making it, and not a factory. My friends loves my clutch as well:) I use it as a wallet, and it makes me happy to use it!
Take care!
Katie, I am so sorry people are well, idiots! You are doing a great job being fair, and dedicated, and wonderful.
I hope you don't become too discouraged by these folks. I am glad you made this post though because people do need to be aware that you aren't some big chain store with children making your purses and as much as they may be frustrated by their inability to get their hands on your wares, it does not entitle them to throw mud.
best of luck!
That's just crap; I swear that humans these days should have the sentence "I have money; give me what I want NOW" tattooed across their chests (I hear chest-pieces are very in right now;).
I've been following your blog since it started & have always admired you greatly for sticking out this venture despite any odds. So keep on keepin on :)
Those type of people don't deserve anything made by you. Tell them to shove it.
Wow. I'm amazed that people actually take the time to be so negative. I think you are amazing and the fact that your items sell so freakin' quickly just demonstrates how good you are at what you do! Keep doing what you love and most importantly keep enjoying it!
How awful! Your work is fantastic. So sorry that people are being so rude!
I found your blog through E Tells Tales and I love your work. I'm really sorry about the troubles you've been going through. I completely understand how something can go to being a fun creative hobby to a not so fun thing with deadlines, money and not so nice people. My heart goes out to you and I truly believe everything will work out in the end for you.
I'm so sorry people are being mean. I wish you didn't have to be exposed to them, and I think it is absolutely amazing and fabulous how in demand your bags are! Keep going and give yourself breaks when you need them and try not to let these negative people bring you dow!!
I still cant believe I was able to snag one of your bags. I am so in love with it! It's beautiful and amazing. :)
I just wanted to chime in because I told my husband about your situation and how unfortunate it is- that you are trying so hard to please everyone and they don't see it.
Sure- it'd be great to have your bags available in every color, style, etc all the time to choose from- but that's not life and then they wouldn't be OOAK and not so dearly treasured.
We think you are doing a great job- posting bags at staggered times and giving heads up to those that really want one.
All around- I think you are doing the very best you can and just remember people want your work because it is so amazing. They are only angry that they cant get one- they aren't really mad at you. It's like a bratty kid who missed the ice cream truck. You just have to wait until you hear the music! ha ha.
I can't understand why people would be so mean. I'm so sorry to hear this. The work you do is so very lovely. There may always be people who try to rain on our parade but just remember that you're a brilliant artist and you deserve all the praises and attention that you get. The negativity can hurt but stay positive. And if you feel down, just say so and people will help. Because there's a lot of good positive people out there who care about you even though they've never met you.
Wow, I'm really surprised to hear anyone would have the nerve to do that! I've missed TONS of your purse listings and never thought of getting mad at you....I'm always irritated with myself for missing them :) At this point I feel like scoring one of your purses will kind of be like winning the Lottery~ I'll just keep trying♥♥
Yikes. I think some people's parents forgot to teach them manners. I, like everyone else, am always trying to get one of your bags. I have been successful a couple of times, but still truly covet a shoulder bag or tote bag. But geez, I know you are one woman working VERY HARD to produce these bags, and you can only do so much!!! Your bags are beautiful, and it is nice to have something that you will not see every woman on the street carrying. Folks need to be patient and keep trying, and in the meantime shut their mouths!! Keep up the great work!
so sorry you have to deal with the Idiots.. no one deserves to be treated that way. po po on them.
but, have you considered going back to just random listing?? that might open up the playing filed a bit.. i mean, i can sit and watch your home page alllllllll day.
wishing you continued success on YOUR terms.
carry on. kim
haters be hatin'.
your work is amazing, loved it for some time.
have been a long-time fan before your business exploded...
do what you love at a pace where you can still enjoy life and sewing. don't give in to these morons! just delete them.
thanks for sharing your talent with us. keep up the fantastic work!
erk! i can't believe people would say those nasty things! i'm so sorry to hear this happened. sometimes people just need to sit back and relax and realize that we make everything ourselves and don't have a sweatshop of laborers in our back sewing room.
How about the next time you get an unkind message from an angry, thwarted almost-customer, try this: Twirl your villain mustache and do the Mua-ha-ha! villain laugh. Perhaps this bit of dialogue: "Why yes, Little Miss Rotten, I *did* actually try to thwart you as you suspected. And my eeeevil plans have come to fruition!" Work on your evil laugh. And your mustache. It will give you a little time off from all the sewing. ;o) Keep up the good work; I love looking at the bags even when I miss out.
Wow. I read this and immediatly got angry for you. Pathetic are those that can't appreciate you working your talent at the pace you are and I am very sorry that anyone would find the need to call names, make disparraging remarks towards you all becuase they didn't get something they wanted? Again, pathetic. I was lucky to purchase 3 purses over the past year plus, love them and use them daily. When you exploded, I was so happy for you and been waiting patiently, silently supporting you and your endevors...you know, what and how I was raised to be. So sad for those that weren't raised with such values. Keep up the wonderful work, keep living your life and enjoying it, life can be gone in a second so take deep brethes and enjoy it....and well, frig those that can't appreciate that or you!
Anything worth having is worth the wait...I can wait. Your work is beautiful.
Don't let the poopheads get you down!
I just stumbled onto your lovely bags on E tells tales blog and by going to your shop got redirected to here. I just want to say I am so sorry you ever had to get nasty comments from anyone. How completely rude those people are. You are one person who loves making things and that should be appreicated. I can't wait to one day have one of your bags, but time will tell as to whenever that happens and I will gladly wait :).
I hope those jerks know about karma and how it comes back to them.
the anonymity of the internet can really bring out the worst in people. sorry people are a**holes to you!
I've bought several bags from you, large and small, and every one is beautiful!! I never knew when you were posting but somehow I was able to purchase them so I'm PRETTY sure they can wait their turn just like the rest of us... they are definitely worth it!
I always seem to miss my chance to buy one of your amazing bags.. but the only person I am ever mad at is myself! I always seem to check the blog a couple hours after you have posted them.. But, I am still looking forward to the day when I can call myself the owner of a tough ruffle! :)
eww... people who leave email comments like that are DESPERATE. And not even in the sad, love-lorn way that can usually be forgiven. Its in the nasty, manipulative way that makes you feel bad and embarrassed for anyone who is forced to have to know and interact with them everyday. (I cringe thinking if they have children!).
Also, what makes getting a handmade product that much better is the chase! Your bags are amazing (I am lucky enough to own one) and scoring one after the wait makes it the much more special.
These people who are leaving you these nasty emails must also be picked last in gym class, obviously...
You are amazing, talented and awesome!!! Don't let the haters get you down!!
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