in the interest of keeping my etsy shop stocked and also in preparation for the renegade craft air in chicago in a few weeks, i did some serious fabric shopping today and belt hunting today.

we spent hours in jomar searching through rows and rows and rolls and rolls of fabrics that are placed in no particular order. this makes searching twice as fun, because in looking for a particular color you inevitably come across five others that you need!

i found lots of aquas and greys and greens-- a few of my favorite picks for tough ruffles bags. i was quite happy with my finds in the end, and very grateful for the very nice man who patiently cut and folded every piece for me.
next we swung by the pennsylvania fabric outlet on fourth street to dig through the ten-for-a-dollar zipper bin. the bin is mostly full of shorties, but they are perfect for the little mini coin purses i make to send as freebie gifts with etsy purchases.

above: holding my bouquet of 130 new little zippers
the next part of the plan was to visit ALL of my favorite thrift stores to replenish my selection of belts (which i use as handles for most of my bags). but something very lucky and exciting happened-- i found about FIFTEEN excellent belts at the very first thrift store we visited. fifteen may not sound like many, but usually i find about one, maybe two, so it was a very happy moment indeed.
so we saved the trips to the other thrift stores for another day. we were exhausted and ready to enjoy some delicious tofurkey sandwiches and homemade lemonade, and so we did!
1 comment:
Hey. Cool Site... And Pretty Girl too...; ;-)
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