i am here!
and i am sorry!
madebyhank has been experiencing some technical difficulties.
i am very, very glad that april is just about over, because i am completely over this month. this has been sort of a terrible month for me. i moved to a new home/workspace at the beginning of the month, and have been busy mending a broken heart and settling in and organizing (and turning twenty-eight). but mostly i have been busy being sad and distracted and frustrated (and watching four seasons of weeds and two seasons of dexter).
not only has my heart been hurting quite a bit, but my brain is a little overloaded also. you see, i am terrible with computers and technology of any kind, and also have no knowledge of how to use a camera properly (or at all, really). i invested in a new
computer, camera, and printer, but have no idea how to use any of these objects, and it has been incredibly frustrating.
and because up to this point, the person who is no longer sharing my life with me took such great photos for me, and because i have received so many compliments on them, i am super intimidated to take the giant leap and start shooting them myself.
but! i also do not want to give up, and do not want to let down those of you who have been waiting so patiently. and so! i will just do it, and be not-so-great at it in the beginning but hopefully i will develop some skills with time, and also will have some help from
a friend soon, so things are looking up.

i added a few small items to
my shop today, and will add a batch of shoulder bags some time tomorrow.
also! i am also working on stocking up for the
renegade craft fair in brooklyn in early june. maybe i will see some of you there? more on that soon.