my friend laura and i decided to take a short trip to new york city last weekend. another friend had told us about an exhibition of quilts she had seen recently, and we thought it was as good an excuse as any to venture to a different city for a bit.
we never actually made it to see the quilts, but had other unplanned adventured instead. our first stop was the bronx zoo, which was a little sad, but there were lots of trees and we had a whole lot of fun. and i found a sweet monkey mask in one of the gift shops and decided to take it home with me for the bargain price of $4.50.
we stayed at the, which was, of course, beautiful and full of interesting details. after we each found a pair of dream jeans (thanks jenny!) and filled our bellies full of delicious dinner, we were exhausted. we headed back to the hotel and had some fun with the lobby photobooth and sipped some boubon at the bar before calling it a night.
sunday morning we ventured to coney island, where we enjoyed people watching, a ferris wheel ride, bumper cars, skeeball, and a circus sideshow. we weren't allowed to take any photos or videos, but i snuck a super quick video of holly holiday. laura and i both loved her. she did lots of tricks with flaming batons, and some pretty incredible sword swallowing as well. there was also the lizard man (who has a split tongue and wound a giant corkscrew into his nostril and through his cheek) and the human blockhead (he did the ole nail-driven-into his nose trick, and then took it one steep further by doing the same trick with an electric drill).