wow--! those bags went super fast, thanks everyone.
you may have noticed that i was only able to list eight new shoulder bags. due to some technical difficulties (and one of the most frustrating days i have had in a while), the rest will have to wait until tomorrow. there are a handful more, and i will try to announce a more specific time on here before i list them.
i would like to also offer a few apologies. first, it has taken me an especially long time to make my way through the insanity that has become my inbox, so i am sorry that it has taken my up to one week in some cases to get back to some of you. i assure you i am trying my very best to keep my shop stocked and keep up with internet communications, while still maintaining some level of sanity and finding a few minutes here and there to spend some much needed time with friends.
i promise to make the time to respond to each of you in the next day or two. please do not take my delayed response as a lack of gratitude or an abundance of rudeness. it is simply the trouble with the world that there are only so many hours in each day. and unfortunately i have no way of changing that. if it has been a while and you have not heard from me, please try to contact me again. as any etsy seller will tell you, etsy conversations can get a bit confusing and disorganized when you receive such a high volume of them.
i assure you all that i am very sincerely grateful to be where i am and do what i do and have the support and encouragement from all of you.
thank you for liking the things that i make, and thank you for taking the time to read my words.
i will be posting photos and details for the upcoming thank-you-for-being-awesome giveaway. because, well, i want to thank you all for being awesome.
marianne and i took a small field trip to a nearby park to take some photos today. here are some of the funtimes we had.