so, there are actually quite a few things about me, but this is the one i would like to talk about.
the thing is, i am a human. and right now, i am dealing with some things that are not very happy in my real life. so even though things in my handbag life are going very very well for me, i am not quite so productive as i would like to be right now, and so i apologize. not for being human, but for not having nearly as many new bags in the shop as i would like.
i am not quite ready to write about the unhappy things in my life on this blog in detail, so instead i will keep it all sunshine and handbags and talk about some excellent things that happened this past weekend, that i have been meaning to share for days.
first, we will talk about friday. i was not quite sure what kind of turn out to expect for the opening reception on friday for the show i am part of at the
bambi gallery. there were so many other events going on(for those of you who do not live in philadelphia, we have an event on the first friday of each month, where many of the galleries in the city have openings for their latest shows, and folks go from gallery to gallery and check everything out), and so many of my friends had their own openings to go to. it was
packed! and i only personally knew about ten people, so i was able to meet lots of new people, which was both exciting and a bit socially overwhelming. and most of my pieces are already sold, which is also very exciting.
and then there was saturday. oh saturday. i loved saturday. i have to say, after putting the final stages of the work for bambi together, helping install the show, trying to make a collection of bags and things to sell at the craft fair,
and run an etsy shop, i was a bit of a zombie by the time saturday rolled around. i hadn't slept more than a few hours or eaten a decent meal all week. but it was so fun!
kaitlin and
jim were there and
darla and
laura, to name a few.
and i finally met
margaux! our paths have been so close to crossing for quite some time, and i am so glad they finally did. and now i am the very proud owner of a beautiful bone ring. i have had my eye on her
pelvis necklaces for quite a while now, but i do not really wear necklaces, so i was so happy when i saw her rings. maybe i will still buy one of the
pelvises and just hang it on my wall and and it can make me happy every day. (pssst... margaux is kind of a superstar and there is an etsy
video of
her book making process)
above: said bone ring. (margaux's photo)i went home with a whole bag of treasures. the bone ring, a
ladies are complicated print made by
darla jackson herself, about 30 tiny vegan donuts made by the
north portfishington cookie company, a drawing/collage made by the very sweet heather sundquist, prints and a little book made by
kris chau, underpants with a ship on the bum from
laura mckinley, a stuffed revolver made by
katie marlowe, a
james ulmer print, some small prints by
kaitlin mosley, and some very fun polaroid portraits.

ladies are complicated by darla jackson
aubrie costello put the first real makeup i have ever worn (probably since i was a ballerina like 15 years ago), and hibbard nash was taking 4x5 polaroids with his fancy camera, so
kaitlin and i posed for a few.

that is me on the right in the first one. i thought it would be a good day to use
the bunny mask a little. i was right.