that's me, folks.
well, i suppose, in all fairness, my face is a bit better than a dumptruck, but my mouth is certainly worse than a trucker. i had things fairly under control during my nanny days, when most of my time was spent around people who were three years old or younger.
but these days, i am have had to make a real effort to keep my potty mouth in check. i have been trying to replace the f-word, which has led me to say geez so often if is embarassing. living in philadelphia, the word geez is so much more noticeable than that f-word, which is both sad and kind of funny.
so that was a goal, and i am doing quite well with it so far.
my other goal was to keep my etsy shop stocked.
i just added three whole pages of new ceations! most of them are a few of a kind, to make things a bit more manageable while i finish up packing and moving to the new place.
um, did i say finish packing? what i meant, of course, was start packing. i did put a few small dishes in a box today. but that is as far as i have gotten. i always wait until the very last possible day to pack everything up in one big whirlwind, because i end up needing something that is already packed away and then tearing through all of the boxes to find what i need. and then packing everything back up again.
also, this time around, i need to keep my workspace set up as long as possible.
so anyway, back to the shop.
i added a new batch of the zipper clutch a-go-go's, some roundy-bottoms, pencil purses, and smaller zipper purses, all in new fabrics.
i will likely not have more shoulder bags ready until early april. i know i have been promising them for quite some time, and that many of you have been so patient already, but it will take a bit longer than expected to finish those up. i will try my best, though!
in the meantime, look for this lovelies in the shop:

i've got a potty mouth on me when i'm at home... but it never really sounds right coming out of my mouth and everyone just laughs at me.
good luck with the move miss katie! i wish you the best of luck in this mega- transition time!
I am horrified! To think of all the times you've said "geez" to me! And I thought you were nice... [sob]
I just purchased one of your bags as a birthday present to myself! They are so cute and fun.
man, your items go quick. i can never seem to beat the crowd! :)
How can you replace the F word with geez? doesn't seem like it would work really well in certain cases, like
"Those purses are the Geezin' BOMB!"
"What the Geez do you mean you wait to the last minute to pack!!??"
see what I mean?
Embrace the F word. It has so many uses!
They are gorgeous.
Good luck packing and with replacing the f-word.
So true, Lorelei. On the other hand, it would make "old geezers" everywhere feel young and virile.
Katie, I love all the pouches! I can't wait to see the purses in the works.
i love cursing and don't intend to stop anytime soon.
hahaha when I was reading this I could completely relate to the
"mouth like a trucker" comment...
but, I'm a hairstylist and I'm moving back to the Philadelphia area (I live in the suburbs when I'm not attending school ha) and when I buy myself some new scissors and shears; I'm interested in holding them in one of your bags..
would there be any way to stitch some elastic inside to hold them in place?
!!! they're adorable :]
When I saw your shop update I gasped quite dramatically and my friend asked "Did you see something shiny?" Then I showed her what I was gasping at and she understood. I finally bought something! But I am one of the many who is waiting for a shoulder bag. Patiently, but impatiently at the same time. I'm eating to cope with the stress.
Betsy :-)
the prints are really great alongside the solids. i've also started to take note of my curse words, and am trying really hard to keep it under some sort of control at work. good luck with that and the packing!
i love love love the spotty prints they are amazing. Youre just so clever! :)
i've been trying to switch to "FUUUUDGE" for years now.
holy cow your stuff is so adorable!!
I loved seeing all your new goodies up! The pale green bag was wonderful, and I loved seeing all the pretty blues too. Like Erica said though, your stuff goes quick! A blink of an eye and I've missed my chance...
Keep it up!
ummmm, i love love love your bags. love love love. love love love love love.
have you ever considered a giveaway (and already had a winner in mind, like me?)??
ps. I think Katie Henry is so much fun to say. If we were friends in real life I would have to call you that. No Katie, no Hank. Always Katie Henry.
I say "gee willikers" a lot. Or, the more famous, "goshdarndangit".
This thread is great.
Once upon a time I got hit by a truck while riding my bicycle. Or more accurately the truck pushed me into a lamppost. I was wearing my helmet, so I rang my bell real good but I can still use words with more than one syllable. Go me.
I also broke my finger in the incident. So between the painkillers and the concussion, I was a bit... altered.
I lay there on the couch saying things like "fuckle buckle buck," which quickly became a favorite in my household.
Years later when Eleanor was born, I began the struggle to censor my sailortongue, and "fuckle buckle buck" came out one day in sad, diminished form as "huckle... buckle... truck."
I'll be moving my life into boxes next month, too. The whole process suckers. Your clutches, on the other hand, are awesome!
lovin' the polka dots!
geez me too,i have the naughtiest mouth!
I, too, swear too much. I've always done it and now I am advancing in years (41), I know I should stop but sometimes, well, there's only some words that will do. I live in a place where 'golly' is the more usual expletive so I have had to develop language control too. Love the bags and love the one on lobster and swann too.
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