look for these new smallboys in the shop first thing tomorrow morning. (the listings should be ready around 8am EST).
if you already peeked through my flickr stream, you may have noticed a little something different about the roundy-bottoms. well, two somethings-different, really.
first, i did not stitch madebyhank onto the fronts of them. i stitch the madebyhank freehand and sewing at the volume i have been, my little wrists just can't take it anymore. i know that it is an extra touch that makes a big difference, but i need to take care of my arms, because i only have the two, and they are pretty important for what i do. and for, you know, life.
on the bright side, they will go from the usual thirty-two dollars to twenty-eight dollars.
the second something different is that i added the smallest little d-ring onto the side of each, attached with either a bit of vintage trim, or a bit of cotton twill tape, depending upon the colors/fabrics of each. now you can add a little trinket of your choice, or perhaps a key or two, if you like, to the side of your roundy-bottomed zipper purse.