psst... my little shop hit fifteen hundred (and one) sales this weekend!
thank you thank you everyone who has helped me get to this point. i keep trying to imagine what it would look like if all fifteen hundred of those little creations of mine were all stacked up together in the same room at the same time. and then i get a little bit of a butterfly in tummy. i just cannot get over how lucky i feel to be where i am right now.
i promise to stitch something up for a giveaway very soon to celebrate. speaking of giveaways, i sure did snooze on that last one promised back in march. which means this one will, perhaps, be a double giveaway. it also means that i made five hundred more sales since march. holy s-h-i-t part two, everybody.
my weekend was filled with so much cutting, sewing, tag-making, packaging, and email-answering. i have to say that i am a little proud of myself for accomplishing what i did in the past four days.

i would also like to take a moment to thank streaming netflix for providing so many background movies while i worked. and also thank you to my little bungee cord, who helps me carry 12 priority mail boxes and thirty-two good sized envelopes all balanced on my little bicycle basket. that's right folks. your madebyhank packages get to the post office the old fashioned way, which earns me many a sideways glance as i pedal past my fellow city dwellers, but it also kind of makes me feel like a superhero. it's the little things.
i just added a few more small items to my shop, and will have more shoulder bags ready toward the end of the week.